The Seed
spiritual growth, like the growth of a plant, occurs gradually and often imperceptibly. It requires patience, nurturing, and trust in the process that God orchestrates beneath the surface.
spiritual growth, like the growth of a plant, occurs gradually and often imperceptibly. It requires patience, nurturing, and trust in the process that God orchestrates beneath the surface.
As a pastor of the flock of God, I see my calling as an under-shepherd working alongside the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Ellen White describes Jesus’ work of ministry in her famous words: “Christ’s method alone will give true success …
Since 2019, I have had the privilege of studying for my Master’s Degree at Southern Adventist University. This past Sunday, May 5, my friends and family celebrated with me at my graduation! What have I learned in the five years …
Art can be used as a powerful tool for communicating human emotion, for teaching, and for worship. There are many forms of artistic expression, from literature, drama, and music, to visual arts such as photography, painting, sculpting, etc. All types …
It was the later part of the 2nd century. Just as in New Testament times, the followers of Jesus continued to be bitterly persecuted, both by the Jews and by the pagan Roman empire. In the city of Smyrna, a …
Dear Friends and Family, Our hearts are filled with gratitude for God’s mercies and faithfulness to us this year. Each season has brought us another step closer to Christ’s soon return! January was a step of faith. Kristina’s Kitchen has …
After a long break due to travel and summer classes, I’ve finally uploaded this Sermon in the Woods. I recorded it in early May, but only got it posted now. I pray that it is a blessing to you! Christ …
Who doesn’t like a great story? Sometimes the oldest and most familiar stories are worth hearing over and over again! Today, Pastor Daniel shares the old but familiar story of our Lord and Savior Jesus — His life, death, and …