Current Issues
From time to time, I like to write on topics that address current issues within the church. Not to start an argument, but to present some findings from my study in the hope that it will be helpful to others.
Immigration & Racism
- “Why Should I Care” – A candid look at recent developments and thoughts on our Christian response.
- One-way Flights
Last Generation Theology
A topic which I’ve studied quite a bit over the past few years, Last Generation Theology touches a wide range of questions dealing with end-time events, the nature of Christ, the nature of sin and salvation, and the relation between law and grace. At the heart of the discussion are questions like these: “What role do we, as end-time Christians, play in the Great Controversy in the end times? How can we hasten Jesus’ coming? What does it mean to be “perfect”? How does the experience of end-time Christians compare with god-fearing people of ages past?
Is Last Generation Theology the Answer To Progressive Adventism?
A candid look at my own experience with legalism, and comparing the claims of LGT with the words of inspiration. - An Analysis of Larry Kirkpatricks Last Generation Theology in 14 Points
A point-by-point answer to Kirkpatricks books, showing some of the differences between LGT and traditional Adventist thought.
Bible Translations
I’ve heard many people claim that the King James Version is the only correct, inspired, and infallible translation of God’s word. Is that so? What Bible version did Jesus read? Here are a couple articles I’ve written on the subject.
Women’s Ordination
The obligatory hot-topic. I believe in the last 5 years, more books and articles have been written on this that on all other theological topics combined. Or at least it would seem this way.
Biblical Art
In launching and hosting the Virtual Bible Snapshot Project, I realized the need to create some sort of statement in regards to the Bible and Art, which I will link to here: