Loose the Chains

As I thought over the challenges facing our church and world, I was reminded of the beautiful message of the Sabbath and its importance in these last days. We often recall how, in the last days, God’s people will be “sealed” and separated from the world through this Sabbath message (Revelation 7:3, 14:1, 7). But this Sabbath message is not simply about knowing which day is the correct Sabbath–it’s a deep and profound understanding and living out of the meaning of the Sabbath, in the midst of a world that is given up to the false worship of the beast powers of Revelation 13.
What does this mean? What is this heart meaning of the Sabbath? More than a day, the Sabbath is symbolic of the gospel of Christ’s deliverance, encapsulated in the ancient Hebrew word “to cease.” When God completed His work of creation, he “ceased” from His work (Genesis 2:2-3), giving a blessing to mankind through His example of rest. This same word “to cease” describes the “rest” that Moses would give the people through their deliverance in Exodus 5:5. Thus the Sabbath points to our kinship with God and with our fellow humankind through Creation, and stands as a mandate against oppression through its reflection of God’s miraculous deliverance. The twin Sabbath commandments of Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15 reflect both of these great truths.
In fact, the Sabbath command itself, more than just a command to “rest,” focuses its attention of the recipients of this “rest.” I don’t keep the Sabbath merely by refraining from my personal labor–I keep the Sabbath by giving rest to all those within my household, even the animal and the stranger. Thus the purpose of the Sabbath is to “give” rest (Exodus 23:12), and it is through this giving of rest that the Sabbath becomes a “sign” of our identity as God’s people (Exodus 31:13-17).
The meaning of the Sabbath is brought into crystal clear focus in Isaiah 58: The Sabbath becomes the hallmark of those who turn away from their own pleasure and instead break the bonds of oppression and set free those who are afflicted.
Jesus Himself, in His earthly ministry, demonstrated this meaning and purpose by intentionally working many of his miracles of healing and deliverance on the Sabbath. (Luke 6:1-11)
Perhaps soon, I’ll develop some of these thoughts into a sermon–perhaps more than one. But for now, I thought I’d share a little AI creation that I found meaningful. I asked ChatGPT to write a song from Isaiah 58, and then composed a tune with Suno.ai. Here is the result:
Verse 1
Cry aloud, O voice of thunder,
Lift your trumpet, do not cease!
Tell My people how they’ve wandered,
How by sin they’ve lost their peace.
Day by day they come before Me,
Claim to seek My holy way,
Yet their hearts, so far, ignore Me,
Though their lips may seem to pray.
Verse 2
“Why,” they ask, “have we been fasting?
Why, O Lord, do You not see?
We have bowed with sorrow lasting,
Still, You turn away from me.”
But you fast while still oppressing,
Strike with fists and speak in spite!
Do you think I’d grant my blessing
When your hearts betray the light?
Loose the chains of all oppression,
Let the yoke of burden cease!
Feed the hungry, share possessions,
Clothe the naked, walk in peace.
Then your light will rise like morning,
Healing springing forth so bright,
And My glory will be shining,
Guarding you by day and night.
Verse 3
Call to Me, and I will hear you,
Cry for help, I’ll answer near.
Turn from wrath, let love endear you,
Wipe away the scornful sneer.
If you feed the poor and stranger,
Lift the lost, the weak, the small,
Then I’ll keep you safe from danger,
Light will break where shadows fall.
Like a garden ever flowing,
Like a spring that will not dry,
I will lead where winds are blowing,
Satisfy when drought is nigh.
You’ll rebuild the ruins broken,
Raise up walls from days of old,
“Restorer” shall be your token,
Hope renewed in streets of gold.
Verse 4
If you keep My Sabbath holy,
Turn from seeking your own way,
Find delight in rest most holy,
Honor My most sacred day.
Then you’ll know the joy I give you,
Rise above on wings of grace,
Feast upon the gifts I bring you,
In My love, your dwelling place.
Loose the chains of all oppression,
Let the yoke of burden cease!
Feed the hungry, share possessions,
Clothe the naked, walk in peace.
Then your light will rise like morning,
Healing springing forth so bright,
And My glory will be shining,
Guarding you by day and night.
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