Salt and Light

Lesson 2: Salt and Light

Study Resources: 

Although expressed in terms of a pair of metaphors, these two parables are the first of many similitudes that Jesus uses to describe His kingdom and us–its citizens. 

“You are the ________________ of the earth… “(Matthew 5:13)

  1. What are some important characteristics and uses of salt?
    (see Job 6:6)

  2. In what way are God’s children to be like salt?

  3. How could salt lose its flavor?

    Note: Salt (sodium chloride or NaCl) doesn’t degrade with age. However, if it is contaminated with other minerals as salt often was in ancient times, then over time moisture could leach away the flavorful NaCl leaving the other tasteless minerals behind, essentially rendering it useless.
  4. What could cause our Christian witness to lose its “flavor”?
    (See Colossians 4:6)

  5. What Old Testament story involves salt as a symbol of healing?
    (see 2 Kings 2:19-22)

  6. What special ingredient was added to the grain offerings in the Old Testament?

    And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with ___________; you shall not allow the _____________ of the ________________ of your God to be lacking from your grain offering. With all your offerings you shall offer _______________. (Leviticus 2:13, cf. Mark 9:49)

    Note: the salt was a symbol of the special covenant between Israel and God. Even though it was a small portion of the sacrifice, it was essential. See Numbers 18:19, 2 Chronicles 13:5, Mark 9:49

“You are the _______________ of the world.” (Matthew 5:14)

  1. Who is the light of the world?

    “Then ____________ spoke to them again, saying, ‘______ am the light of the world. He who follows _________ shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’” (John 8:12)
  2. If Jesus is the “True Light” (John 1:9), why does He call His followers to shine as a light? Where is the source of our light?
    (see 1 Peter 1:11)

  3. What other perspective is given in Mark and Luke regarding the hidden light?

    “For nothing is _________ that will not be _________…” (Luke 8:17)

    Note: While Matthew speaks of the duty of Christians to “let” their light shine, the other synoptics speak of the inevitability that the light will be seen. 
  1. What things in my life could prevent God’s light from being fully seen in me?
