More Love

Unlocking the Parables of Jesus – Lesson 5: More Love

Study Resources: 

Read this parable in context, Luke 7:36-50.

  1. This story is distinctly similar to, yet also uniquely different from, an account of Jesus with a woman at a special meal in Bethany (Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14:3-9, John 12:1-8). What similarities and differences do you see? Do you think this is likely the same event, or a separate event?



  2. How was the woman described in Luke? (Luke 7:37)

  3. In the parable of the two debtors, one owed a great sum of money, while another owed a much smaller sum. Which debtor received forgiveness? Why?

  4. Though the forgiveness each debtor received was the same, their response was different. What made the difference?

  5. DISCUSS: What type “love” does Jesus describe in v. 42?

  1. What is the connection between the amount of the forgiven debt, and the amount of love in the one forgiven?

  2. In what ways did Simon show his lack of hospitality for Jesus? What might have caused his lack of hospitality?


  3. DISCUSS: Was Simon less of a sinner than this woman? 
  1. Read v. 47. DISCUSS: Which came first: the woman’s love, or God’s forgiveness?

    The greek word “apheōntai” is in the perfect passive indicative tense, indicating something that has been completed in the past with results continuing into the present. Thus, Jesus indicates that this woman’s sins “have been forgiven” and thus her love flows out of the recognition of that forgiveness.
  2. DISCUSS: Is God’s forgiveness something that took place in the past, or something that happens in the present in our lives?
  3. What was the accusation against Jesus in v. 49?
  1. DISCUSS: What action of the woman resulted in her salvation? (v 50) If love is the result of forgiveness, is there any action that we must take before receiving God’s forgiveness?

  2. Will you receive God’s life-changing forgiveness
    by faith? Does your life reflect your gratitude
    through your love for Christ?