Sermons in the Woods
The “Sermons in the Woods” ministry grew out of a need to keep in touch with our church members during COVID-19. During 2020, the weekly videos came to be a blessing, not only to our church family, but also to our community and many others. I’ve taken the pulpit out to the woods, and though I’ve returned to preaching in church, I’ve had so much fun preaching in the woods I don’t want to stop! Every 2 weeks (previously weekly during COVID), we upload another sermon in the woods. We’re exploring some of the most beautiful parts of God’s creation in southeastern Kentucky! Best of all, though, we’re exploring some of the grandest themes and stories of God’s Word–the Holy Bible! Click any of the links below to read, watch, and listen to the messages. Be sure to subscribe to our email list, follow us on Facebook and add our YouTube channel to your list so you won’t miss a single message.
~Pastor Daniel McFeeters

Christ prayed that His disciples would be united as “one,” but what does this “oneness” look like? Join Pastor Daniel and explore the beauties of a Kentucky spring as we discover the depth of God’s gift of oneness!
Scuttlehole Trail
June 25, 2022

Sometimes the oldest and most familiar stories are worth hearing over and over again! Today, Pastor Daniel shares the old but familiar story of our Lord and Savior Jesus from the perspective of the apostle John.
Princess Falls Trail
April 16, 2022

We hear a lot about war in the news, but have you heard of the bigger war close to home? Join Pastor Daniel as we survey the battlefields and discover what’s at stake for your soul!
Moonshiner’s Arch and Laurel Lake
April 9, 2022

A mother saves her infant from death. A little girl asks an innocent question — and in the answer to that question we discover a truth that changes our lives! Listen as Kristina tells the story and teaches us about the hands of God!
Yahoo Falls
March 26, 2022

The Bible tells us that God is Love, but what happens when that relationship is one-sided? Join Pastor Daniel as he explores more rushing waterfalls and discover how God’s promises of love can either fill our hearts with joy, or return empty because of Love Unrequited.
Marcus Falls & Hemlock Falls
February 26, 2022

Have you ever felt all alone? Discover lessons on relationships from one of the most touching friendships in the Bible, and learn about One Who has promised that you will never be forgotten!
Beaver Creek WMA
February 12, 2022

Have you felt like your life is weighed down with guilt and condemnation? Would you be afraid to approach the presence One Who knows everything about your life? In today’s message, Pastor Daniel takes us on a walk around a snowy lake as we explore one of the most touching accounts from the gospels. Discover how you can have freedom from condemnation, guilt, and fear today!
McCreary Reservoir
February 5, 2022

As we enter the new year, it could be easy to be fearful for what is in store. Join Pastor Daniel on an adventure of discovery in the snow-covered woods and through God’s word, and discover the power of cultivating curiosity in our minds as we look forward to the adventures that await us!
Freeman Ice Castle Falls
January 22, 2022

Discover the secret to lasting joy! Join Kristina in the woods for a special Christmas message that begins with an old familiar story.
Cumberland Falls
December 25, 2021

Why would the God of Heaven send His Son to earth as a child? Join Pastor Daniel & Pastor Jon on a hike to Eagle Falls as they explore this question together in a special Christmas Sermon in the Woods!
Eagle Falls / Cumberland Falls
December 18, 2021

How would you like to feel better, be happier and have more friends in your life? What if you could do this all with a medicine that costs nothing? Join Pastor Daniel by the lake shore to discover how you can benefit from the cheapest medicine: Thankfulness!
Laurel Lake
November 27, 2021

It’s the month of thankfulness, but how thankful are you? How can we show true gratitude to God and others? Join Kristina as she explores the lives of three individuals who associated with Jesus and learned valuable lessons about gratitude.
Dry Creek / Panoramic Trail
November 20, 2021

When the world-wide flood was at its peak, it must have seemed that God had forgotten. But God’s promises brought Noah through, and after the flood was over God gave Noah a token of His covenant which still stands today. Discover how we can stand on God’s promises through the deepest trials of life today!
Marsh Branch near the Cumberland River
October 9, 2021

Have you ever been locked out of your own home? If so, you know what it’s like to be on the wrong side of a closed door. This week, Pastor Daniel talks about the door of Noah’s ark, and the lessons we can learn from the doors in the Bible. Discover the beautiful message of Christ’s open door, and learn how we can be sure to be on the right side of the most important door before it’s too late!
Laurel Lake
September 11, 2021

What does it mean to live by faith in an unbelieving world? Is faith simply the opposite of fear, or is their a deeper way in which our faith must guide our lives? Join Pastor Daniel on another adventure in the woods as we explore these questions through a familiar Bible Story!
Yahoo Arch
August 28, 2021

Does it seem that the world is just spinning out of control? With evil and wickedness on every hand, it seems our society is headed to ruin. Today, Pastor Daniel begins a new series taking us back to the days of Noah as we search for hope and assurance for the future!
Pulaski County Park
August 14, 2021

We’ve talked recently about the importance of God’s Word: how to understand it and to make it a part of ourselves. In today’s message, Pastor Daniel explores a well-known story–the Good Samaritan–that teaches us the importance of applying God’s principles in our own lives!
Dog Slaughter Falls
July 31, 2021

Join Pastor Daniel in another woods adventure as we discover how God provided a miraculous supply of food for His people in the wilderness–and how He has provided our daily bread today!
Bee Rock / Eagle Creek
July 17, 2021

So often, the events of life, just like the words of Scripture, are difficult to understand. Join Pastor Daniel as we discover meaning in Scripture and God’s purpose in our lives through the story of Philip and the Ethiopian!
Bee Rock / Rockcastle Narrows
July 3, 2021

Listen as Kristina shares another narrative message about a mother in the Old Testament, who learned to trust God through trials and laughter!
Buzzard Rock
June 19, 2021

In His crowning act of creation, God blessed this world with a most special gift–a gift of time. Listen as Pastor Daniel explores the privilege and beauty of the Sabbath that comes to us from the gates of Eden!
Cumberland River / Mouth of Indian Creek
June 5, 2021

After creating the world and filling it with life, God created two special beings in His own image. Today, Pastor Daniel and Kristina explore together the wonderful uniqueness of God’s creation in humankind, and discuss the beauty of that first marriage and what it means for our relationships today!
Harrison Knob / Pulaski County Park
May 29, 2021

We see suffering and death all through the animal kingdom. Science tells us that this suffering is the only means by which species can improve. But the Bible tells us that, in the beginning, God called His creation “good.” How did the animals come to be killers, and what can we look forward to in the future? Join Pastor Daniel as we explore these questions and more on the 6th day of creation!
Rescue Farm / Undisclosed Location, Kentucky
May 22, 2021

How do our feathered friends teach us about God’s love and His purpose for our lives? In this message, Pastor Daniel takes us to a rescue farm for a close-up encounter with God’s beautiful creatures. Listen as he shares a touching story of a special bird and the lessons it can teach us today!
Rescue Farm in Kentucky
May 15, 2021

Who was the most influential person in history? Today, Pastor Daniel’s message takes us back to an ancient story of faith and heroism as we celebrate perhaps the most influential yet overlooked people in our lives: our Mothers.
McCreary Reservoir
May 8, 2021

This week, many of us saw the beauty of the “Pink Supermoon,” this April’s extra-large full moon! How is it that the sun and moon came to bring light, life, and beauty to our world? How do they guide the rhythms of life, and what lessons do they teach for our lives today? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores the fourth day of the creation story!
Cumberland Falls / Panoramic Trail
May 1, 2021

What is the most solid thing you can think of? What do the rocks under our feet tell us about their Creator? Join Pastor Daniel as we explore the wonders of the third day of creation!
Laurel Lake / Straight Creek
April 24, 2021

What exactly is the “firmament” or “expanse” mentioned in Genesis 1? Scientists may ridicule the “naive” concepts in the Creation story, but today Pastor Daniel explores the wonderful design God made to protect our planet on the second day of creation!
Laurel Lake / Short Creek
April 17, 2021

Where did we come from? How can we know, since experts have disagreed about the subject of origins for centuries? This week, Pastor Daniel begins a new series focusing on the story of creation: “Revisiting the Beginning.” Join in to discover the light that still shines in the darkness.
Natural Arch
April 10, 2021

Experience the gospel story through the eyes of an unlikely witness–one who waited until it was almost too late. Join Pastor Daniel for a walk through the wildflowers along the banks of the Big South Fork as he shares a first-person narrative of the gospel story.
Sheltowee Trace near Yahoo Falls / Marcus Falls
April 3, 2021

When Jesus led His disciples into that wooded garden after the last supper, he admonished them to “watch and pray.” Join Pastor Daniel as we witness Jesus’ agony in the garden and discover the importance and power of prayer!
Sheltowee Trace near Yamacraw and Princess Falls
March 27, 2021

Since the dawn of creation, God has made known His desire for relationship with us. But why should God want to dwell with humankind? What’s more, are we willing to receive Him? This week, Pastor Daniel explores these questions and more through the story of Jesus coming to His temple!
Sheltowee Trace near Sand Hill / Mouth of Indian Creek
March 20, 2021

They had waited with longing anticipation for years. Finally, their hopes were realized as he rode in triumph into Jerusalem, but at the peak of their excitement and joy, he paused to look and weep. Join Pastor Daniel as we journey back in time to Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will not only study why Jesus wept, but we’ll uncover a promise of His second coming in even greater triumph and glory!
Blue Heron & Devil’s Jump
March 13, 2021

Nothing can bring greater joy or deeper hurt than hearing a complement or criticism from one whom we love the most. In this week’s Sermon in the Woods, Pastor Daniel and Kristina explore an important aspect of love: the need for respect and boundaries in our marriages and in relation with our leaders, church, and family.
Yahoo Falls
March 6, 2021

What does trust have to do with love? God asks us to trust Him, but first He does something incredible… Listen as Pastor Daniel explores this theme through the story of the life of Abraham.
Laurel Lake Spillway
February 27, 2021

As wonderful as love is, often the ugly faults in our lives–and in others–get in the way of love. This week, Pastor Daniel explores with us one of the hardest ways to love as we seek a deeper picture of how much God loves us!
Natural Arch
February 20, 2021

We know that God loves us, but have you ever stopped to appreciate all the different ways He communicates His love toward us? Listen as Pastor Daniel & Kristina explore the five languages of love through the Song of Solomon–how God shows His love to us, and how we can show that love to those who mean the most to us!
Buffalo Canyon Trail
February 13, 2021

The Bible gives us beautiful pictures of the loving care and compassion of Jesus. Join Kristina in the woods as we explore God’s unfathomable love in this week’s message: “My Savior Cares”
Buffalo Canyon Trail
February 6, 2021

Many Christians are frightened by the prospect of a coming tribulation, but what does the Bible actually say? Will Christians have to go through it? What will it look like? How will we endure? Join Pastor Daniel as we explore this topic and discover the Bible secret to surviving the tribulation!
Yellow Cliff Trail & Pilot Rock (McCreary County)
January 30, 2021

When God starts to do a wonderful work for His people, sometimes the enemy is nearer than we think. Come on a journey with Pastor Daniel to a time when God’s work was nearly ruined by the mistakes of the leaders, and the heart-wrenching decisions they had to make to get back on track. Listen as God’s Word appeals to our hearts to dedicate our lives fully to Christ–even in the face of the most difficult decisions.
Eagle Falls
January 23, 2021

The principles of Freedom and Faith lie at the foundation of the greatness of this nation, yet recent events have served to shake our nation and our society to the very core. How can we understand the issues at stake? How can we navigate the storm and preserve true freedom for ourselves and those we love? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores these issues and more from God’s Word.
Buzzard Rock
January 16, 2021

Does it ever seem that God’s ways lead you through paths of affliction? Do you feel like you’re on a dead-end road, and wonder if you should turn around? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares a word of encouragement in this new year from the story of Zerubbabel!
Buffalo Canyon
January 9, 2021

With all that 2020 has been, what can we look forward to in the New Year? Pastor Daniel takes us on an icy adventure as he shares principles for beginning again with a new series from the story of Ezra.
January 2, 2021

Experience the Christmas Story through the eyes of a young girl who, like all those of her country, longed for the coming of the Messiah. Kristina’s first-person narrative will warm your heart as we celebrate Christ’s birth this season!
Princess Falls
December 26, 2020

Why did God give us prophecy? Join Pastor Daniel on the banks of the Little South Fork as we explore one of the most profound prophecies in Scripture–a prophecy of the Coming Messiah!
Ritner Swinging Bridge
December 19, 2020

Where are you from? Where are we from? What about Jesus–where did He come from? Join Pastor Daniel for a walk through fields and cliffs as we search for the answer to these questions and more in today’s message.
December 12, 2020

Join Pastor Daniel in a winter wonderland as we explore an angel’s promise to one young couple many years ago. Discover how this ancient promise–and the One Who came as a result–can bring warmth to our hearts and give purpose and life to our worship today.
December 5, 2020

What is the secret to happiness and contentment in a world that always clamors for more? This week’s Sermon in the Woods takes us to some hidden forest treasures as we conclude our series on the Ten Commandments–and find at the heart a principle of thanksgiving!
November 28, 2020
Beaver Creek & etc.

What is Truth? In a world where facts are relative, and everyone has their own opinion, does it really matter what we believe? This week, Pastor Daniel explores these questions and more as we discuss the importance of believing, telling, and living the truth–and the cost that comes with doing so.
November 21, 2020
Dog Slaughter Falls

Why has God allowed us to have possessions? What is the importance of the boundary between my things and the things of others? How can we best honor God through the resources He has given to us? Join Pastor Daniel on a colorful mountaintop as we explore these questions and more from God’s Word! “Taking or Giving”
November 14, 2020
Ryan’s Creek Mountain

What is God’s plan for marriage? What is the secret to enduring love? This week, Pastor Daniel & Kristina share the joys and potential pitfalls of this wonderful gift from heaven. Whether your married or not, learn how you can experience the fullness of God’s love in your life today!
November 7, 2020
North Carolina

When we see death all around, we might begin to question the value and purpose of life. In this message, we will discover a promise and assurance of the eternal value God places on our lives!
October 31, 2020
Cumberland River

Do you want to discover the secret to peace, permanence and stability in your life? Tune in to this week’s message as we explore, in the fall colors and sunshine, the forgotten art of honor!
October 24, 2020
Natural Arch

How can our lives be filled with purpose and meaning? How can we truly glorify God in our lives? What one principle embodies all of the Ten Commandments? The answer might surprise you!
October 17, 2020
Day Ridge, Panoramic Trail & Buffalo Canyion Trail

What is the meaning of time? Can we escape the daily round of toiling for nothing, and enter a realm of time beyond the confines of mortality?
On this earth, in time, all good things come to an end. What is the meaning of time? Can we escape the daily round of toiling for nothing, and enter a realm of time beyond the confines of mortality? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores these questions and more in this week’s Sermon in the Woods!
This is the next message in our series on the Ten Commandments, looking especially at the 4th commandment–the Sabbath
October 10, 2020
Beaver Creek Wilderness

What’s in a name? Join Pastor Daniel on a unique trip to Cumberland Falls as we explore the story of a man who didn’t quite live up to his name at first–and about Someone Who always has! Don’t miss this second message in our series on the Ten Commandments!
October 3, 2020
Cumberland Falls

Have you felt trapped? Alone? Defeated by the devil? This week, join Pastor Daniel in the wilderness as we explore a story of deliverance from bondage–and discover God’s plan to keep His children free!
This is the first part in a series of messages looking at the Ten Commandments within the context of the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
September 26, 2020
Beaver Creek Wilderness

Have you ever seen a river that grows by itself? Join Pastor Daniel and his friend Robbie for a trip down the Big South Fork as we explore another kind of river found only in the Word of God!
September 19, 2020
Big South Fork, Blue Heron to Yamacraw

What impact do our lives have on others around us? How long can the influence of our actions last? Join Pastor Daniel at Laurel Lake as we watch these ripples of influence through the story of Hannah in the Old Testament.
September 12, 2020
Laurel Lake

We often speak of how the disciples left everything to follow Jesus, but what brought them to this point? Why would they be willing to make such a sacrifice? Join Kristina on the lake as we take a unique look at the call of Jesus’ first disciples, and learn lessons that affect our lives even today!
September 5, 2020
Big South Fork / Lake Cumberland near Big Creek

Have you ever tried walking on water? Have you ever stepped out in faith, attempting the impossible, only to utterly fail? This week, join Pastor Daniel at the lake and learn lessons about faith from Peter’s experience with Jesus on Galilee!
August 29, 2020
McCreary Reservoir

What punishment was given to Cain for his sin of murder? What was the mark of Cain, and what did it mean for him, and for us? Listen as Pastor Daniel takes a unique look at God’s mercy, and discovers a solemn message of coming judgment.
August 22, 2020
Buffalo Arch

After Cain slew his brother, Abel, God declared that the voice of Abel’s blood cried out from the ground. In today’s Sermon in the Woods, we’ll take a close look at this part of the story of Cain and Abel, and see whether still, today, the voice of our brother’s blood might be crying out from the ground.
August 15, 2020
Dick’s Gap / Koger Arch

It’s easy these days to laugh at sin, but in the Bible, sin is no laughing matter. Take a walk with Pastor Daniel and explore the Bible principles to overcome anger and other sins that are crouching at our doors! This is the second message in a series on the story of Cain and Abel.
August 8, 2020
Yahoo Arch

Sometimes the beauty of the outdoors can belie the tragedy that lurks close at hand. In the same way, the beautiful Word of God contains tragic stories and difficult instructions that may cause us to ask “Why?” In today’s Sermon in the Woods, we’ll explore the principle of sacrifice through through the Bible story of Cain and Abel.
August 1, 2020
Bear Creek Overlook / Split Bow Arch

When has it ever been a problem to have too many resources? Could you ever have too much money, or many soldiers in an army? In this week’s Sermon in the Woods, Pastor Daniel explores principles of victory through the story of Gideon’s miraculous triumph over the forces of Midian!
July 25, 2020
Cumberland River

Have you ever prayed to know God’s will? Asked God for a sign? Put out a fleece? Take another walk in the woods with Pastor Daniel as we explore the story of Gideon, and discover how we can be sure of God’s will for our lives today!
July 18, 2020
Cumberland River

In our pluralistic society today, a message of absolute allegiance to an unseen authority isn’t exactly popular. It wasn’t in fashion in the times of the judges of ancient Israel, either. In today’s Sermon in the Woods, we’ll begin exploring the story of Gideon, and learn what it means to give Undivided Allegiance to the true God of Heaven!
July 11, 2020
Eagle Falls

As we celebrate independence day today, it seems our society is more fragmented than ever before. Why is that? Why do we love to hate, and what can we do about it? This week’s “Sermon in the Woods” with Pastor Daniel takes us to an old coal-mining camp, where we’ll explore some American and Bible history. We’ll be looking at some different kinds of bridges, and discover the secret power of bridge-building in our lives.
July 4, 2020
Blue Heron

The New Testament speaks of the “rest” that remains for the people of God. In this world of ceaseless work, how can we find and enter God’s true rest? Listen as Pastor Daniel shares part two in this series, Searching for Rest.
June 27, 2020
Natural Arch / Buffalo Canyon Trail

Our world is hurdling forward at breakneck speed, but where are we going? With all the chaos and even violence, what lies at the heart of man’s search for meaning? Listen as Pastor Daniel explores these questions and more from the Bible.
June 20, 2020
Buffalo Canyon Trail / Natural Arch

Are you ever overwhelmed by the feeling that your need is so great, yet your resources are so small? Listen as Kristina McFeeters shares two beautiful stories from God’s word that teach us how God can supply our needs today. It starts with one simple question: What is in Your House?
June 13, 2020

Have you ever been on a mountaintop high, only to find yourself later discouraged and disheartened? This week’s encouraging sermon in the woods is brought to us by Kristina McFeeters (Pastor Daniel’s wife). Listen as Kristina tells the beautiful story of one Old Testament prophet, and how his life speaks encouragement into our lives today!
June 6, 2020
Gorge Overlook / Cracks in the Rocks

One of the biggest themes of the Bible is the certainty of a coming “day of judgment.” The very thought strikes fear to the hearts of many. What does the Bible say about this day of Judgment, and how can we have hope, confidence, and true assurance in this solemn day?
May 30, 2020
Yahoo Falls

Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He promised to return again. But what does the Second Coming of Christ mean? What will it look like, and when can we expect Him to return?
May 23, 2020
Buzzard Rock

Join Pastor Daniel as we explore one of the most difficult and gut-wrenching stories of the Bible: Judges 19. Watch the forest weep as we consider the sober yet important lessons for us today. How many people in our world may be clinging to our very thresholds today?
May 16, 2020

As Christians, we often talk and sing about a place called “heaven.” But what is this place? Is it real, and if so, what kind of place is it like? What can we do to be sure we have a place in this heavenly home?
May 9, 2020
Buffalo Canyon Trail

Take a walk with Pastor Daniel as we find some remote scenic vistas and explore the Gifts of the Spirit from the Word of God.
May 2, 2020
Panoramic Trail

Take a walk through the woods with Pastor Daniel as we continue the story of the Holy Spirit! Discover the power of Pentecost, and how we can still experience that power in our lives and churches today!
April 25, 2020

Comforter–Helper. These are just two of many names and many roles that He plays in the life of the Christian. Join Pastor Daniel on another walk in the woods as we explore the Bible teaching on the Holy Spirit: Who Is He? What is His relationship to Jesus and to the Heavenly Father? What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit, and how can we invite Him to transform our lives today?
April 18, 2020

Explore the incredible story of Jesus’ resurrection, and learn how that changes everything for us, today!
April 11, 2020

Discuss one of the oldest and grandest stories of the Bible. See how it illustrates the meaning of John 3:16, and helps us understand the heart of the Father and His “Only-Begotten” Son.
April 4, 2020
What is really real? Can we even know what is real? Is it worth the effort?
March 28, 2020

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers…
March 21, 2020