**Scholarly Articles** * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol26/iss1/15/|The Belshazzar of Daniel and the Belshazzar of History (Lester L. Grabbe)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol20/iss2/1/|Nabonidus, Belshazzar, and the Book of Daniel: An Update (William H. Shea)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol26/iss1/1/|Bel(te)shazzar meets Belshazzar (William H. Shea)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol23/iss3/11/|Further Literary Structures in Daniel 2-7: An Analysis of Daniel 5, and the Broader Relationships Within Chapters 2-7 (William H. Shea)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol10/iss2/21/|An Unrecognized Vassal King of Babylon in the Early Achaemenid Period: Part 4 (William H. Shea)]] * [[https://journals.aiias.edu/jaas/article/view/498|The Use of the Aramaic Word bar ("son") as a Noun of Relation in the Book of Daniel (Zdravko Stefanovic)]] * [[https://journals.aiias.edu/jaas/article/view/392|Like Father, Like Son: Belshazzar's Relationship to King Nebuchadnezzar (Zdravko Stefanovic)]]