**Scholarly Articles on the Fall** * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/theses/144/|A Narrative Analysis of Genesis 3:1-7 and the Theological Significance of the Serpent (Milton Gonzalez)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pubs/5120/|Liar, Liar: The Devil's Strategy of Deception and Slander (John C. Peckham)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/shabbat-shalom/vol54/iss3/6/|Cosmic Forgiveness: The Riddle of the Serpent in Genesis 3:15 (Jacques B. Doukhan)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol53/iss1/5/|Earth's First Sanctuary: Genesis 1–3 and Parallel Creation Accounts (Richard M. Davidson)]] * [[https://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/auss/vol53/iss1/7/|The Creation Order—Hierarchical or Egalitarian? (Jan Åge Sigvartsen)]] * See also articles under [[1 Corinthians 11]]